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This project showcases a potential design for a personal portfolio, featuring block sections with markdown entries with a cool design.



# 🌐 Personal Portfolio

Welcome to my personal portfolio demo repository! This project is a demonstration of what a personal portfolio could look like. It showcases various aspects of web development, including my work, skills, and projects.

You can view the deployed project at the following URL: [](

## 📂 Project Structure

- **public/**: Contains public assets like images and fonts.

- **src/**: Includes the source code for the portfolio.

- **.gitignore**: Specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git.

- **astro.config.mjs**: Configuration file for Astro.

- **package.json**: Lists project dependencies and scripts.

- **tailwind.config.mjs**: Configuration file for Tailwind CSS.

- **tsconfig.json**: TypeScript configuration file.

### 🧭 /src structure

The `/src` directory contains the main source code for the project. Below is an overview of its structure:



├── assets

│  ├── adriana.jpg

│  ├── euro.jpg

│  ├── fran.jpg

│  └── hero.png

├── components

│  ├── BaseHead.astro

│  ├── Footer.astro

│  ├── FormattedDate.astro

│  ├── Header.astro

│  ├── HeaderLink.astro

│  ├── Hero.astro

│  └── WhatIDo.astro

├── consts.ts

├── content

│  └── blog

│    └── content in markdown format

├── content.config.ts

├── icons

│  ├── 1.svg

│  ├── 2.svg

│  ├── 3.svg

│  ├── 4.svg

│  ├── 5.svg

│  ├── beach.svg

│  ├── github.svg

│  ├── linkedin.svg

│  ├── paint.svg

│  └── web.svg

├── layouts

│  └── BlogPost.astro

├── pages

│  ├── about.astro

│  ├── blog

│  │  ├── index.astro

│  │  └── [...slug].astro

│  ├── index.astro

│  └── rss.xml.js

└── styles

  ├── global.css

  └── hamburgers.css


#### Explanation

- **assets**: Contains image files used in the project.

- **components**: Contains reusable UI components built with Astro.

- **content**: Contains blog content in Markdown format.

- **content.config.ts**: Configuration file for content collections.

- **icons**: Contains SVG icon files used in the project.

- **layouts**: Contains layout components.

 - `BlogPost.astro`: Layout component for blog posts.

- **pages**: Contains the main pages of the site.

 - `blog/index.astro`: Blog index page.

 - `blog/[...slug].astro`: Dynamic route for individual blog posts.

- **styles**: Contains global and component-specific CSS files.

 - `global.css`: Global styles for the project.

 - `hamburgers.css`: Styles for the hamburger menu.

This structure helps in organizing the project files and makes it easier to maintain and scale the project.

## 🚀 Getting Started

To run this project locally:

1. **Clone the repository:**


  git clone

  cd sorollaportfolio


2. **Install dependencies:**


  bun install


3. **Start the development server:**


  bun dev


  The application will be available at `http://localhost:4321`.

## 🛠️ Technologies Used

- **Astro**: A modern static site builder.

- **Tailwind CSS**: A utility-first CSS framework.

- **TypeScript**: A statically typed programming language.

## 📄 License

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).