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Simple Portfolio

Simple-Portfoliio Is a free and open-source portfolio template site built with Astro v5-Beta. It's a great starting point for creating your portfolio site using the last Astro features.



Astro Simple Portfolio

Is a free and open-source portfolio template site built with Astro. It's a great starting point for building your own portfolio site.

This project leverages Astro v5-beta, incorporating the latest features that Astro has to offer.



  • Astro v5: Utilizes the latest features of Astro for a fast and optimized static site.
  • Tailwind CSS: Includes Tailwind CSS for easy and efficient styling.
  • ShadCN: Implements ShadCN components for a modern and cohesive design system.
  • TypeScript: Written in TypeScript for type safety and better developer tooling.
  • React Components: Supports React components to provide a familiar component-based development workflow.
  • MDX Support: Includes MDX support for writing content with Markdown and JSX.

Figma Design

This project is based on the following Figma design: Simple Resume Portfolio.




  • Upgraded from Astro v5 beta to v5 stable.
  • Initial release with Astro v5.


  • Added Blog feature. Now you can add your blog posts in the <code style="background-color: rgba(212, 222, 231, 0.098);">src/content/posts</code> directory.
  • Added a changelog section to the README file.
  • Refactored Layout component and other pages.
  • Added two example blog post that help you how to change some things in this template.


GitHub Repository

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.