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Astro-Micro-Academics theme is an academic version of Astro-Micro and Nano.



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Astro Micro Academic is an academic version of Astro Micro and Astro Nano.

It is a minimal and elegant theme tailored for researchers.

Micro Academics adds features like tags, blog math support, and about, CV, publications, etc. sections for academic users and also inherits Pagefind for search, Giscus for comments, from Astro Micro.

Micro Academics still comes with everything great about Micro and Nano — full-type safety, a sitemap, an RSS feed, and Markdown + MDX support. Styled with TailwindCSS and preconfigured with system, light, and dark themes.

What is new:

  1. Add Latex Math Support
  2. Add News, Research, Publication, CV sections
  3. Add Tag functions to blogs
  4. RSS feed with blogs with posts with rss-feed tag only
  5. Markdown emoji

Old functions:

  1. MDX callouts
  2. Comment section
  3. Table of Contents for blogs
  4. Page search